• Middle School Youth: Camp Summit is designed for youth entering grades 6-8. 

    High School Youth: Youth entering 9-12th grade can apply to lead on either Dream Team and Fiat. More information here.

    ​Adult Chaperones: Each group is required to have 1 adult for every 6 youth of the same gender. Chaperones must be 21+ and have a recent background check and VIRTUS Training by July 1st.

    Young Adults: Young adults 18-20 at the time of camp are invited to volunteer in specific roles. Please contact us for more information. 

    Adult Volunteers: We need your help! If you are 21+ and interested in volunteering please visit our volunteer page.

    Priests & Religious: Your presence and example is incredibly important at camp. Please visit our Religious page for more information. 

  • If you are a parent or participant, first contact your Parish's youth leader. If your parish is registered for Camp Summit, they will have a link to the online form to complete.

    If your parish is not registered for Camp Summit or you are unsure, please contact the Camp Summit Director at campsummitwinona@gmail.com

  • If you are the leader for your parish group, please visit the Parish Leaders page for more information, registration instructions, and deadlines. Registration will open for leaders on January 15, 2025.

    You, as the Parish Group Leader, will first sign up your parish using our online system. At that time, you will reserve the number of spaces you estimate needing for your group including middle school campers, high school leaders, and adult chaperones.  High school leaders (Dream Team or Fiat) will need to be accepted by the leadership team in order to complete their registration.  Please do not sign up your parish group until you have at least one chaperone*.  The application process for Dream Team and Fiat is located in the individual registration link provided after Group Registration is completed.

    *Parish groups are required to have a ratio of 1 adult for every 6 youth with a minimum of 2 adults (e.g. if a parish group has 3 youth they need to have 2 adults, if a group has 13 youth they need at least 3 adults).

    The maximum group size Eagle Bluff is able to accommodate for activities is 24 people. If a parish brings a group larger than 24 the group will be split into 2+ smaller groups; we will do our best to keep groups together as much as possible.

    After Group Registration is completed for your parish, you will receive an email with a link for individuals to complete their registration.  By April 1, any reserved group spots without a completed individual registration form will be forfeited and opened up to other parishes.

  • Each participant must register and attend Camp Summit with a Parish group. If you do not have a Parish group please Contact Us and let us know where you live and/or to which Parish you belong. We will connect you with a Parish group in your area. 

  • Camp Summit is $335 per participant. This fee includes a talented speaker team and programming, all meals, lodging, Eagle Bluff activities, supplies, drawstring backpack, and a t-shirt.  We recommend bringing extra cash if purchasing merchandise from the Camp Summit or Eagle Bluff stores is desired.

    Costs may also vary by parish to accommodate for transportation and other added fees, so please check with your parish youth leader for your group's official cost, fundraising opportunities, and possible financial assistance.  All payments for Camp Summit should be made to your parish, not Camp Summit.

  • Camp Summit is a jam-packed, faith-filled, week with friends, fun and lots of Jesus! With a focus on discipleship, youth attend camp with their parish and grow together in faith and fellowship with that parish group as well as others in the Diocese.

    Participants will sleep in a large, heated dorm building. Each room has 8 beds, a bathroom and shower. Adults and youth sleep in separate rooms. We do our best to room youth with other campers from their groups, but campers will be busy all day and will only be in their rooms to sleep. Campers must pack their own sheets, sleeping bag, pillow, and towel.

    All meals are provided and are covered in the cost of camp. If you have special dietary needs, accommodations can be made. Please fill out the registration form in full with dietary restrictions or contact us if it is complicated or you have questions. 

  • Camp Summit is a ministry of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota. Camp is hosted at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center nestled in the beautiful Root River Valley of Lanesboro, MN. For detailed driving directions, visit our Location Page.

  • Connect with your parish group leader to coordinate transportation and carpools. Campers can arrive between 12:30-1:00pm on Monday of their week of camp (July 21 or July 28).  Please do not arrive any earlier than noon as our volunteers will be eating lunch from 11:30 - noon.  High schoolers serving on Dream Team or Fiat should arrive for the weekend training on Saturday (July 19 or July 26) at 1:00pm and will stay until the end of the camp week.

    Camp concludes at 12:00pm on Thursday (July 24 or July 31). Parents are invited to our closing Mass on Thursday at 10:30am. Parking is only available for the closing Mass in the overnight lot (first parking lot on your left when you arrive at Camp Summit.  Please use the walking path to get to the Discovery Center for Mass.  Also, please note, there is no lunch served on arrival on Monday or on departure on Thursday.

  • Volunteer nurses will help administer medications as prescribed. When prompted, please list all medications on your child's registration form. The camp nurses will safely store all medications. Inhalers and EpiPens can stay with the student and their chaperones for emergency use. Parents will have an opportunity to meet with our camp nurses at the start of camp to discuss any medications, special needs or behavioral issues.  

  • We need over volunteers for Camp Summit to be successful! Even if you are already a group chaperone, you are still able and encouraged to volunteer for a specific role while at camp! Volunteers must be 18+, have a recent background check, and be VIRTUS trained.

    If you are interested in volunteering, visit our volunteer page for more information and email campsummitwinona@gmail.com to tell us about yourself and how you can help this summer! The camp fee is waived for volunteers.