Parish Leaders
January 20: Registration Opens
April 1: Individual registration, Dream Team, and Fiat Team applications due. All reserved spots left unfilled will be relinquished to other parishes
April 15: Registration opens to those outside the Diocese of Winona-Rochester (if space allows)
June 15: All Payments Due
Camp Summit is designed for Parish groups to build community with each other and with other groups around the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. All participants must register and attend camp with a Parish group. As the Parish camp contact, you are responsible for informing your group of dates, deadlines, cost, and registration information specific to your group.
Register your group
Pick a week for your parish group and register your group online.
Week One: July 22-25, 2024
Week Two: July 29 - August 1, 2024
The group registration form will be available to begin reserving your spots starting on January, 15 2024 under the "Parish Group Leaders" tab. Each spot reserved will require a $50 deposit due Jan. 31 to hold. All spots without a $50 deposit (each) attached will be automatically forfeited after Jan. 31.
Register Participants
Group leaders who have reserved spots through the Group Registration form will receive an email with a link for each individual in their group to register at the end of January, 2024.
Unfilled Reservations
All spots that are reserved for a parish that have not been filled with an individual registration by April 1 will be relinquished by the parish and opened up to other parishes. We cannot give reimbursements to spots that have been paid for with a $50 deposit to hold. However, any unused deposit amount will be subtracted from your final invoice.
Open Registration
After April 1, all extra spots not filled with an individual registration will be opened up to other parishes within and outside of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester.
Camp Summit is $325 per participant. Please mail one check from your parish to the Diocese by June 15, 2024
(please include your camp week, contact name, and parish name).
Mail to: Diocese of Winona-Rochester,
c/o Camp Summit
P.O. Box 588
Winona, MN 55987